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Brian Clayton

Brian Clayton

Roadtrip Nation

Career Roadmap

Brian's work combines: Design, Technology, and Being Creative

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Day In The Life

UX Designer

I work with product manager to create solutions to user and Business needs

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

    Carlisle High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Human Computer Interaction


Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Human Factors Engineers & Ergonomists:

Bachelor's Degree: Human Computer Interaction

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

I've taken a lot of twists and turns

  • 1.

    After High School I went into the US Navy as a Quatermaster

  • 2.

    After I left the military, I tried a lot of different jobs such as building windows, and delivering food from a truck.

  • 3.

    Eventually I fell into a job of being a loan office for a small mortgage company

  • 4.

    After being in the mortgage industry I realized that I didn't like sales but instead enjoyed education so using my knowledge as a loan office I transitioned into a training role within the compnay

  • 5.

    While training loan offices I had a chance to not just facilitate trainings but also creating learning curriculum

  • 6.

    Then I began creating learning curriculum on the internet for people to complete online. This was my first introduction into UX

  • 7.

    I left the mortgage industry after the 2008 situation and started working with a variety of companies outside of finance doing UX full time.

  • 8.

    I am currently do UX in the education industry which combines my interests and loving it!

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Family:

    you could never be successful in UX because you are not creative

  • How I responded:

    Negative comments just fueled my desire to prove them wrong. Some people are just failure enablers who just cant wait to see someone fail. Just remove yourself from that negativity and surround yourself with those that believe in you.