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Brandi Andres

Brandi Andres

Tourism Australia

Los Angeles, CA USA

"Negative noise motivates me more to prove others wrong because I know what I'm capable of achieving. This is my life, and no one can tell me how to live it!"

Career Roadmap

Brandi's work combines: Travel, Design, and Communicating / Sharing Stories

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Day In The Life

Production Manager

Oversee strategy, development, and production of creative content promoting tourism to Australia from the US and Canada.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Women's Studies

    University of California, Los Angeles

  • Certification

    Writing, General

    UCLA Extension

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Production Manager:

Bachelor's Degree: Women's Studies

Certification: Writing, General

Learn more about different paths to this career

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    I've heard all sorts of discouraging talk from "you shouldn't set your goals so high, UCLA is tough to get into" (an academic counselor) to "you should take more classes" (a work peer) to "you should find a job with guaranteed longevity" (family).

  • How I responded:

    I knew my dream of going to UCLA was a long-shot, but when an academic counselor at my community college told me I was setting my goals too high and should not expect to get in to such an esteemed school, I laughed and walked out with increased confidence and an even greater desire to get into UCLA. That's how I take on most negative noise. It motivates me more to prove others wrong because I know what I'm capable of achieving. This is my life, and no one can tell me how to live it!

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • I left a 12-year career to achieve my life-long dreams of going to UCLA and becoming a professional writer. I was starting over, without parents' help to pay for college. A first-gen college grad, I've reached all of my goals and expanded on them.