Compliance Managers


Salary Median (2020)


Projected Job Growth (2019-2029)

+6% (as fast as the average)


What Compliance Managers Do

Plan, direct, or coordinate activities of an organization to ensure compliance with ethical or regulatory standards.

Other Job Titles Compliance Managers May Have

Compliance Director, Compliance Manager, Environmental Manager, Environmental Program Manager

How Leaders Describe a Typical Day at Work

Legal Counsel/Compliance Officer ,

Advanced Workplace Strategies, Inc.

I respond to email first thing in the morning, review pending orders that are escalated to me, and work on special projects for the President of my company. Mixed in throughout I will talk to the HR directors of our clients (some Fortune 500 companies) and handle any other internal issues. Every day is different.

Compliance Manager ,

Capital One

I'm on the phone in meetings most of the day, jumping from topic to topic and call to call- sometimes with no chance to even jot down my takeaway notes! But a good day is really one that makes my head spin! When I'm able to positively impact someone- educate them on risks or help find a workable solution, I'm happy!

Tasks & Responsibilities May Include

  • Report violations of compliance or regulatory standards to duly authorized enforcement agencies as appropriate or required.
  • Identify compliance issues that require follow-up or investigation.
  • Discuss emerging compliance issues to ensure that management and employees are informed about compliance reporting systems, policies, and practices.
  • File appropriate compliance reports with regulatory agencies.
  • Maintain documentation of compliance activities, such as complaints received or investigation outcomes.

This page includes information from theO*NET 26.1 Databaseby the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). Used under theCC BY 4.0license. O*NET® is a trademark of USDOL/ETA.